Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I hate "Christmas Shoes"

It's the worst song ever. It really is. I don't know anyone who will cop to liking that song, and yet, it's apparently the number one requested song this time of year. I just don't get it. Christmas songs are supposed to be happy and uplifting and fun, am I wrong? Songs about Santa, sleigh bells, and walking in winter wonderlands. That sort of thing.

But this "Christmas Shoes" song... Oh man.

Will someone explain to me how the real meaning of Christmas is best conveyed by a little kid who wants to buy some shoes for his dying mom? What, exactly, is the message being presented here? Seems to me that it's one of two things. Either it's A) that consumerism has become so paramount in our society that this kid feels the need to get that last minute gift, rather than y'know... being at home with his dying mom, or B) you can't get into Heaven unless you're wearing Jesus-approved shoes. I'm not sure which message is more unsettling to me, frankly.

I firmly believe that "Christmas Shoes" is like that M. Night Shamalayn movie where the plants tell people to kill themselves, because every single time I hear that song, I have the urge to jab myself in the brain with a fork.

Folks, if we can overcome our differences and extend to one another the hand of genuine friendship; if we can come together in a common purpose to get Rosie O'Donnell off the air, surely we can all do something to stop the further propagation of this song.

I suggest that the first step is to collectively agree what the greatest Christmas song of all time is.
I nominate "Christmas in Hollis" by Run-DMC.


Skooch said...

Call me a freak (no ,really, do it). I have never heard Christmas Shoes. But "I'll Build You A Rainbow" keeps coming to mind...

Oh, and Rosie O Donnell has new show coming out in the next TV season. It's a varitey show. Dean Martin is digging himself out of his grave in protest....

Dean-O said...

Christmas Shoes makes I'll Build You a Rainbow sound like Hendrix. No joke.

Rosie's variety show debuted last week, was a total bomb, and got canceled after just one show. Seems there's still some good left in the world.

Skooch said...

man, I gotta get those rabbit ears on my tv fixed. the picture is fuzzy an apparently very late!