Friday, November 28, 2008

We Live In a Strange, Frightening World, Friends.

A World where you could be sitting around on a lovely Thanksgiving Morning, minding your own business, watching the Macy's Parade, and suddenly, out of nowhere, RICK FRIGGIN' ASTLEY appears out of nowhere and ushers in the funniest and most bizarrely orchestrated tie-in between half-assed children's programming and 80's nostalgia I have yet to see.

My ladies and I were watching this live and I could not stop laughing. I mean, IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK ON PAPER!!!! Who was the parade planner who's brainchild this was!?! Were a couple of schlomos just sitting around going "Well...all we got left is this crappy Nickelodeon float, we got any place to put the Has-Been?"

Watch in awe, my friends, and have a great Black Friday!


Dean-O said...

It's pure genius, is what it was. The entire nation got Rick-Rolled, baby!

I've been coming to this parade every day for years and watching it, and here's the thing I've discovered: the length of the parade varies by a few floats every year, but the cheesiness remains the same. Which brings me back to the number five. There are five letters in the word 'Astley." Mix up those letters, mix them up, and you get 'Leysat.' The name of the planet, way, way, way far away, where Rick Astley is from.

I'll tell you something else: once you start hearing that song, the weather never changes. It is always 68 degrees with a 40% chance of wanting to kill yourself. Always.

Skooch said...

Even my sick fascination with Rick Astley couldn't have dreamed this up. Although, when I was watching the opening credits and saw his name I got the butterflies...

Methinks Mr Astley is making, not planning, but making a comeback.

He does look a bit like Scott Weiland so you never know... that guys got more lives than 2pac.