Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I prefer to be disappointed in the order George Lucas intended

I realize I haven't talked much (read: at all) about our trip to the greater L.A. area a couple of weeks ago, and for that I apologize. Rest assured your pleas for stories and information have not fallen on deaf ears.

One of the coolest things we did (aside from going to Disneyland) was to go to the Warner Brothers studio. We took the tour (which beats Universal's by a country mile), and we managed to finagle our way in to see a live taping of an episode of one of my favorite new shows, The Big Bang Theory.

Being part of a "live studio audience" gave me a whole new appreciation for the four-camera sitcom, and the amount of work that goes into it. We were there for over three and a half hours to film a 22 minute episode.

Anyway, the episode we saw being filmed, "The Lizard-Spock Expansion," aired last night. As surreal as it was to be in the audience, it was even more surreal to see it on TV last night. And yes, that's us you can hear laughing in the background. Well, Natalie, anyway. (Seriously, there's one moment where we heard her laugh standing out from everyone else's. At least, we choose to believe it's her. Don't judge us. We have so few victories.)

I'll be happy to sign any autograph requests you may have. I'm not stingy like Ringo.

1 comment:

Skooch said...

I have seen this show. (which is actually kind of rare because we don't watch anything but Baby Einstein and Muppet Show DVD's. Oh and we only have rabbit ears (serious) so the channels that do come in are fuzzy, and not in the good way). I like it. When I watched the one episode I've seen I thought, "that was pretty damn funny. Too bad it will cancelled sooner than later."