Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Music Blogs (did you know about this?)

All denizens of the Couch know of my personal perchant for all things Christmas. It is not so much the commercial aspect of it all as much as it is the nostalgia and trying to recapture it. As a kid, we had a stack of Christmas albums that my parents had collected that was nearly 3 feet high, and we played them until the vinyl turned to pulp. As of late I have become rather disenchanted with the Christmas compilations put out by third-party, Rent-a-Center record companies in an attempt to cash in on this delicious memory festt, because it is always the same recordings by the same artists over and over again. So last year I set out on a quest to recapture the some of the classic vinyl records (the more obscure the better, as you know,)of many a Christmas past. After buying a couple and digitizing them myself, I found out that there are legions of vinyl freaks out there that share the same passion, 10-fold, and have made the digitizing of classic vinyl a near cottage industry.

There are a few that I have frequented and found some AMAZING stuff, all of which have combined to make my season just that much brighter.

Check the Cool Wax
Go here RIGHT NOW and download the Brainwerks Check the Cool Wax Compilation 2: Christmas Waxx. From the very cool to the downright disgusting, it is represented. I have also downloaded several complete albums here that are great for long Holiday Drives.

A Christmas Yule Blog
Loving this one, as it is mostly in the vein of really awesome vinyl in the grand Christmas tradition of our parents. You know that smell of old records that permeates The Record Collector in Sugarhouse (is that still open?) Well you can almost smell it when you navigate to this blog.)
Another really good one, but a little lighter on the FREE DOWNLOADS side, as this is more appreciation of older Christmas music. Some great free stuff though.

As today is DAY 2 of Christmas 2008, we have to take advantage of all this Yule Tide glee while we can. Navigate, download, share, and enjoy! Yes, I love Technology!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out! To find more goodies, go to the forums. That's where the real freaks are--lots more to share there.

The King of Jingaling

Bart Fargo said...

Damn! I stand corrected! This is a friggin' GOLDMINE!!!!! Thanks so much for dropping by!