Friday, September 12, 2008

Burn After Reading - Man's Couch Review

Wacky. Insane.
Hilarious. Confused.

Burn After Reading is a fantastic movie... as long as you go into it with two things mind:
  1. It's a Cohen Brothers movie. (if you don't know what that means see Fargo, then The Big Lebowski and get back to me)

  2. If it's a Cohen Brothers movie, you won't know what to expect.

I was giddy as a schoolgirl when I first saw the trailer for this flick. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, John Malkovich... I couldn't wait to see it. I'm not sure if it fulfilled all of my wildest fantasies, but it most definitely did not disappoint. Most reviews I have read talk about the ending. Most of them say something like "it doesn't add up to much" or "compared to __(fill in other Cohen Brother's titles)__ it doesn't..." blah blah blah. These people have missed the point entirely.

The ending is not a life altering climax. It's the getting to the end where the movie works it's magic. The building of the characters and connecting them into the plot are what make this movie great. And the characters make it worth seeing. Brad Pitt alone makes this movie worth seeing. George Clooney actually makes you believe he is an actual person. John Malcovich cons you into liking Oswald even when you're pretty sure you shouldn't. Even the supporting cast is able to keep up with these outrageous characters and keep them right in line.

This movie is fast paced and the humor is dark and under the radar. If you think seeing Will Farrell in his underwear... again... is funny, you will not like this film. If you want to laugh at the dark side of everyone, this may be the movie you have been waiting for.

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